I was reading in Proverbs this morning and God's Omniscience pierced me. Now, I was taught from childhood that God is all-knowing (Omniscient) but this morning it struck me in a new way. When I was growing up I viewed God as all-knowing and therefore was ready to paddle me when I did wrong. Unfortunately that view of God is more common than the factual view of God. One of my favorite lines from Bruce Almighty is when Bruce is feeling God hates him and he yells up to the sky "Smite me Almighty Smiter!" Beyond the humor is the perception of many in our world today that God is the Almighty Smiter. The beautiful thing for all of us is that this perception is not reality.
In all actuality, God is not an Almighty Smiter. He is the Lover of Our Souls! What does that mean? Well, in Proverbs 5 it tells us that He knows us and the decisions we make:
For a man's ways are before the eyes of the Lord, and He ponders all His paths. Proverbs 5:21
Now, the context of this verse is Solomon speaking against the snare that is adultery and sexual immorality. So, it would seem that this is a word of warning to immoral people. That is true; it does serve that purpose. However, as I was reading this I was thinking about God's love for His people. God not only knows my ways and choices but Proverbs says that He ponders them. He is not just making checks for error or checks for good deeds; but rather, He is pondering my ways. There is thought and consideration as He views my life. As a Christian, saved by grace alone and faith alone, the Lord is active in my life and He is forming me to be more like Christ.
The point I am trying to make is that God knows what we do when we do it. Still, it is not to smite us when we screw up. If you are one of His children (saved by grace) and Jesus is Lord of your life take heart that He ponders your ways. So, live for His glory and allow Him to bring glory to Himself through you. If you are not a believer of the Lord Jesus Christ then know that God knows and ponders your ways as well. God is slow to anger and quick to show mercy, but as you read the rest of Proverbs 5 you will find that your sin will ensnare you if you continue. Our behavior is under constant scrutiny by a Holy God.
Soli Deo Gloria!