Monday, July 2, 2007

In Dying We Live

In dying we live?? How does that make sense? It sounds to me like an oxymoron. What makes this statement even harder to except, at a surface level, is that we are talking about living by dying to selfish pleasures, ambitions, and goals that are outside of what God desires for our life. Now...even more confusing??? How could dying to my own desires and aspiring to achieve someone else's desires for my life really equal living?

Believe it or not, that is exactly how anyone on this earth achieves lasting satisfaction, contentment, adventure, and purpose. So if I am to really live...if I am to die to my own selfish desires and ambitions...if I am to strive for something different...who should I strive for and what should I strive to do? The answer...Jesus Christ and his plan for your life.

Now, before you stop reading this blog and tell me that you are not religious or worse...that you are religious...let me explain. I have lived the party life. Those of you who know me from college know. I am not afraid to admit it. I do not hide it. Let me tell you, I WOULD NEVER GO BACK! I don't miss it. It is empty, meaningless, and creates more problems than anything. Sure, it can be fun in the moment. But it still lacks substance.

Jesus came to this earth to show a strayed humanity how He originally intended us to live. He came with compassion for the poor in spirit. He came to seek and to "save that which was lost." (Matthew 18:11) He loves me and He loves you. He wants to save us not only from our sins but from a meaningless existence.

Ask God to reveal Himself to you. Open up a Bible and begin reading the book of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. These are the books written predominantly about the life of Jesus Christ as he walked on earth. Make no mistake. This is not myth. This is history. There really was a man named Jesus. No other man has stirred history like this man. He wants to stir up your life...AND I PROMISE YOU WON'T REGRET IT!!!

In love,


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